
NMMBA - opening doors for wild horses

In a world where we struggle with war as a path to peace, our programs bring together women and girls with wild horses to establish the kind of trusting, mutually honoring communication that will lead future generations to a peaceful tomorrow.  While we think of the human role in wild life and environmental management as essential for planetary survival, in reality, other species know how to collaborate, adapt and relate as a member of our ever changing ecosystem. Their societies have rules and are enduring, non polluting and to us, sometimes mystifying.

Our efforts, on behalf of wild horses, through advocacy, education and development of programs that will ensure survival of wild horses, acknowledge what we can learn much from them as partners in co- creating a world of peace and right relationships between humans and all forms of life.

Alicia Nation, M.S. Ed., Executive Director
505. 466. 3240
Founder, Executive Director